Shootin’ the Hooch

Shootin’ the Hooch

Shootin’ the Hooch and Tubing TortureShootin’ the Hooch in a tube, a cooler full of White Claws and IPA’s. An abundance of friends and good conversation. Yeah, that’s where the joy ends.  This was the river trip from hell.  What was supposed to take an hour and a half took five hours. No water. No sunscreen. Dead floating…

Rafting the Rapids

Rafting the Rapids

Rafting the RapidsRafting the rapids. Waterboarding. Nature. Bugs. Spiders. Bees. The risk of drowning, concussion, scraps, bumps, and ache in your nether regions that feel like you got swatted by a windmill . . . not my idea of a good time.  That was until I had a panic hit me. A crisis of what reputation…